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How MLaaS Will Benefit Your ML Integration

In machine learning, one size does not fit all. There are many different types of algorithms to solve many different problems, especially when it comes to predictive modeling. And lots of ML based companies, and the venture capitalists that back those companies, tout their algorithm as ‘best-in-class’, claiming that their algorithm cannot be separated is what’s needed to solve all problems. At Promethium, we see things a bit differently.

Getting a Ph.D. in ML is not the only way to dip your toe into the ML pool. Machine Learning As A Service (MLaaS) allows you jumpstart your ML initiative without a Ph.D. MLaaS represents the commoditization of ML algorithms for some of the more standard applications such as image recognition, predictive maintenance and financial analysis. MLASS gives developers the ability to build, train and deploy ML powered applications quickly so you can get to production quicker with much less effort and lower cost. Amazon Sagemaker, Google Tensorflow, IBM Watson and Microsoft Azure are some of the leading end-to-end ML platforms in this space. MLaaS is still in its infancy, and whether it develops into a successful business model has yet to be determined, but the writing on the wall is clear. As top ML applications go mainstream, deployment options will move towards standardization to simplify and streamline the costs of adoption.

Because of this trend towards the commoditization of ML algorithms, Promethium built its  data context solution with the ability to be decoupled from the underlying algorithm. It doesn’t mean you have to purchase our software without our algorithm. You can and we believe in many cases enterprises will do this as a plug and play solution. But you don’t have to. IT may already have integrated a leading MLaaS offering throughout its organization and might not want to add additional, potentially conflicting algorithms to that universe. In that case, Promethium can sit on top of the ML platform, working seamlessly with your algorithm of choice.

About Promethium:

Promethium’s technology has been created from the ground up to increase productivity and revenue by simplifying and streamlining the process of Business Intelligence.  Just as Google Maps have simplified our personal lives, we aim to simplify the lives of our customers when it comes to analytics. Just ask your question and leave the rest to Promethium.  When everyone in the organization is looking at the same map, collaboration becomes infinitely easier.

To find out more about Promethium, visit us at, or follow us on twitter at @promethiumi

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