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Promethium Storyteller

Storyteller Uncovers Insights And Interprets Results

Get suggested insights and accurately interpreted results for dashboards and reports automatically

Powerful Analysis, Automated

Knowing where to look in your data for insights is one of the first big challenges.  The second is finding the time to build your own reports and dashboards.


With the power of AI and natural language searchStoryteller Engine can automatically uncover insights and visualize them for you.

Storyteller Engine Insights Image@2x.png

Why Leave Results Open To Interpretation?

Narration is designed to give everyone the same understanding, and the confidence to take action.

Automatically narrate charts on a dashboard to help understand the context, axis and more

Identify and narrate key trends, including the trend line, maximum and minimum

Promethium Storyteller Chart Narration
Are you ready to launch reimagined data analytics? 🚀
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